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Operation Metalbeast

Operation Metalbeast
Show Date April 26, 2015
Venue TBC
Comptroller Jeff B. Davis
Episode # 144
Run Time 02:00:09
Released April 29, 2015
External open_in_new
Transcription VTT by @avenant
YouTube Hall of Records
Sound File podcast link
Keywords (extracted from VTT)
colorator, copycat, spiguli, zaba, alisa, compost, s-k-u-t-a, hammond, caesarean, soprano, sinatra, alyssa, bleep, vetted, landfill, dervish, scooter, monroe, milton, nineties, walt, sammy, values, crosby, apocryphal

Harmon hates muppets. We meet a guy named Skuta and shortly after, the most intense fan in the show’s history.