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from Anastasia to Zardoz


Show Date February 15, 2015
Venue TBC
Comptroller Jeff B. Davis
Episode # 135
Run Time 02:00:02
Released February 18, 2015
External open_in_new
Transcription VTT by @avenant
YouTube Hall of Records
Sound File podcast link
Keywords (extracted from VTT)
scones, starwalkers, tartovsky, hippity, solaris, hanukkah, heinz, shortage, hipity, rake, ply, valentine's, madman, d'morge, worm, mdma, rabbit's, benny, prophecy, cain, mow, airlock, elders, shades, hop

Post Valentine’s Day Harmon is burnt out and declares it to be a bad show, then throws to Twitter and takes us along a musical journey. This is episode is so wide.