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Jim Belushi's Basement

Jim Belushi's Basement
Show Date December 02, 2013
Venue TBC
Comptroller Jeff B. Davis
Episode # 82
Run Time 01:57:41
Released December 02, 2013
External open_in_new
Transcription VTT by @avenant
YouTube Hall of Records
Sound File podcast link
Keywords (extracted from VTT)
fooie, jameson's, belushi's, dwindles, bacardi, emission, macy's, onus, belushi, hong, talons, sawing, bayou, gasp, pecs, nip, peck, mitch, filtered, robot's, salon, shrunk, mockery, osama, grasping

Mayor Harmon brings Arrested Development’s creator Mitch Hurwitz on stage to talk shop about TV. Later Kumail returns and the whole thing ends with an epic D&D session. Quit reading already and press play!