podcast wiki

from Anastasia to Zardoz

Welcome to the Wiki

This is an online encyclopedia for the Harmontown podcast that anyone is free to edit.


Podcast Episodes Lost Episodes Total
363 16 380

Episode Metadata

Value Field Missing % Complete
Date of live performance. showDate 3
99 %
Location of live performance. venue 296
22 %
Episode description. description 3
99 %
Comptroller comptroller 3
99 %
Game Master gameMaster 336
11 %
Whether episode has D&D, Pathfinder, Shadowrun, or any other roleplaying session hasDnD 360
5 %
List of guests. guests 279
26 %
List of audience members who participated. audienceGuests 339
10 %
Custom episode image. image 368
3 %


This wiki attempts to aggregate the various fan efforts to document the Harmontown podcast.

The initial episode data was sourced from the podcast RSS feed, the Podcast Dynamite website (guest lists, episode minutes, and lost episodes), and the Harmoncity website (auto-transcripts and some episode descriptions).

The remaining episode information and articles come from Harmontown fans.


Interested in chipping in? Any and all contributions are welcome. All you need is a GitHub account.

What Can I Contribute?

The episode articles are still missing quite a bit of metadata (see the Progress section above). That is probably the easiest information to add.

Alternatively, feel free to document Episode Minutes, Bits, Characters, Raps, Anecdotes, or anything else people might want to look up.

How Do I Contribute?

Check this guide on how to get started.

Why use GitHub instead of MediaWiki, Fandom, etc… ?

Two reaons: Money and data ownership.

GitHub is the only platform I could think of that offered free hosting without forcing ads on you. I could have self-hosted a MediaWiki instance, but that costs money.

By using GitHub we get free hosting, a mechanism for collaborating (which is, admittedly, a bit opaque), and all of our data is open to everyone. You can even run your own instance of the wiki if you want to!

Having control of the data also means we can more easily migrate to another wiki technology later.